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Durand R. Begault, PhD, FAES

PhD Computer Audio, University of California, San Diego, CA, 1987
MFA Recording Media, Mills College, Oakland, CA, 1981

Areas of Expertise

Durand R. Begault, PhD (U.C.S.D. 1987; fellow, Audio Engineering Society, 2002) is the Director of Audio Forensic Center, a subsidiary of Charles M. Salter Associates (consultants in acoustics, audiovisual, telecommunications, and security systems) in San Francisco. He has provided expert consulting and testimony for over 20 years and has testified over 50 times in court or depositions. His experience comprises qualified expert testimony in U.S. Federal and State Courts, including the United States International Trade Commission (USITC), and courts in Canada and International arbitration panels (ICSID-World Bank Group) on a variety of forensic media subjects, not limited to audio and video authentication, voice analysis, patent and intellectual property analysis, forensic musicology, gunshot analysis and detection systems (Kelly hearing), ear witness testimony, and signal audibility. He also has worked at NASA Ames Research Center since 1988 as a research scientist for new audio and multi-modal technologies for aerospace applications, including psychoacoustic research, human factors evaluation, sound quality, acoustical modeling, and communications engineering. He is an adjunct faculty member of McGill University (Montreal), has over 80 authored publications, and holds four U.S. patents.


1996-current Audio Forensic Center - Charles M. Salter Associates, Director
1988-current NASA Ames Research Center, Research Scientist, Human Systems Integration Division
2003-current McGill University, Montreal, Recording Engineering and Technology Program: Adjunct Faculty

Email Dr. Begault